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double horseshoes
Rider Watch
Posted on 2022/08/17
Stay informed. Sign up for Rider Watch. Remember to sign up every year.  more
double horseshoes
Former Notre-Dame Scholar-Athlete Addressed MFHS Students
Posted on 2024/02/02
Litchfield Ajavon visited MFHS students and urged them to look for opportunities and follow their dream. Click "more" to watch the WTRF story.  more
double horseshoes
Dress Code Revisions 2023-24
Posted on 2023/08/16
Click "more" for information.  more

Vaccine Requirement

All students entering 12th grade are required to have two Meningococcal vaccines. If the student had the first vaccine before the 16th birthday, a second shot is required. If the student had the vaccine after the 16th birthday, only one shot will be required. The school needs record of these within the first two weeks of school in order for your child to attend school.


Dear Students and Parents:

Welcome to Martins Ferry High School and the 2024-2025 school year! The mission of Martins Ferry High School is to develop responsible and respectful young adults who are critical thinkers with 21st century knowledge and skills that will make them self-sufficient, productive members of society in a safe learning environment. I expect everyone in the MFHS community to treat each other with respect. Building positive, professional relationships is a skill our students will have upon graduating from Martins Ferry High School.

As our students enter their final years of schooling in the Martins Ferry City School District, they will have the full support of the faculty. Our teachers will challenge students academically to help them achieve at a high level. An experienced kitchen staff will prepare high-nutrition meals to fuel their bodies. The custodial staff will ensure that our students can function in a safe and clean environment. An administrative team has been assembled to optimize the functionality of the school, provide guidance and counseling when needed, and ensure that our students are well prepared as they move onto the next stage of their lives after high school.

With course offerings from general education to college and tech prep, MFHS offers a variety of classes to pique your interest. We also offer extra-curricular programs that are some of the best in Belmont County. With options such as Drug-Free Club, Garden Club, Tech Club and Wilderness Club, I encourage you to find something you love and get involved.

I hope that your time at Martins Ferry High School is an experience beyond compare. I hope that you build friendships and create memories that will last a lifetime!

I am proud to serve you and my alma mater as principal.

Go Riders!

Mr. Mamone

Principal Mr. Joe Mamone

Purple Star Award

Purple Star Award Letter
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